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Bella Italia - Music for Eternity


Bella Italia - Music for Eternity

Here we go! The new ranking show "Bella Italia - Music for Eternity" sends you on a journey to Italy! Look forward to real "Dolce Vita" flair, because the 20 most popular Italian artists and their songs will be presented! Place of longing Italy. "La Dolce Vita" has been inspiring Germans since the 1950s. Musically too to this day. We present a ranking of the 20 most popular Italian artists and their songs and have a few smiles ready to transport the Italian attitude to life home.

Also present: actress Sarah Mangione, dance professional Massimo Sinató, presenter and Italy fan Steffi Brungs, half Italian and presenter Sarah Valentina Winkhaus, sports presenter Riccardo Basile, music lexicon and podcaster Nilz Bokelberg, singer Pietro Basile and our wonderful waiter Salvatore.

07.09.2022, 20:15, RTLup